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You will find that as we speak relay important information that we speak in terms of us, and we. that is because "WE" here at are just like you. we were/are police officers and have went through the things officers face day in and day out. We speak through honest experience and education.

With that being said, one of the most important key issues in dealing with any kind of stress is:

Time is Critical.

Interesting enough is that fact, that in most cases, officers who delayed or did not receive proper care after the incident developed more or intense symptoms than those who did.

Since it is typical that we as officers "tend" to try and self motivate, work-out, surpress and conceal how we really feel, treatment or support for alot of us came either too late, or the intervention was percieved as an intrusion.

This makes us, we think, "more challenging" to work with, in respect to our citizen counterparts. In many cases this usually creates either a delay in treatment or support, or prevents it.

Another fact inherently problematic is that our departments either do not have a Stress Management System in place, or the system is operated by someone who does not or cannot make it effective in the period of TIME when it is was (or is) most critical.